6/12/2017 1 Comment Service in a burger restaurantI visited a gourmet burger restaurant, these things are popping up everywhere. They have been around for quite some years but some of them are beginning to grasp the concept of adding good service.
Before I continue, a word of advice to restaurant owners. Parents, people accompanied by even smaller people that is, judge your restaurant on the experience their children have in your establishment. Simple but true. I personally know quite some parents who dislike mainstream fastfood but still visit burger restaurants because of the kids. A friendly waiter, indoor playgrounds, an Xbox, you name it. Small things stick with kids. A few years ago, a new doctor started in my hometown. He had to build up a "customer" base. Well, he did it thru kids. My son got sick and this doctor was on standby. After examining my son, he handed him a little toy because he had been a good boy. Guess what doctor my son insisted on when he was ill the next time? So back to the burger restaurant. We came in, the place was packed. Quick eye contact by the staff, a rather young staff. Only four spots left at the bar. Great, better than waiting. Menu's were in the shape of a newspaper, crisp, well designed, nice. Good design and communication of a menu is something I find very important. It shows your customer that you really care and have an eye for detail. I can get very frustrated by errors and especially by things that are changed on the menu but haven't been announced. I must say, this staff was very good. Behind us there was a table about to become available and they asked us if we would be more comfortable at a normal height table since the bar was a bit elevated and my daugther had a bit of trouble being seated on the high stool. What a great gesture. They topped it off with some crayons and a coloring template for my little girl to have fun with instead of the ever increasing presence of tablets.
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